Iris J

10 Essential Prayers for a Disrespectful Daughter

disrespectful daughter with father

It’s difficult enough to deal with difficult behavior in our children, but when that child is disrespecting us it can feel like a personal attack. As parents, we want to do everything we can to help our kids change their ways and become respectful members of society. In this article, we will provide you with …

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Prayers for Justice and Fairness to Prevail

scales of justice

We all want fairness in our lives. We want to know that we are being treated justly, and that the scales of justice are tipped in our favor. Unfortunately, life is not always fair. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and wrongs go unpunished. When this happens, it is natural to feel angry and …

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8 Prayers for a Lying or Dishonest Husband

husband lying to wife

I am sure you’ve heard the saying “Actions speak louder than words” before. It’s true. If you want to know if someone loves you, listen to their actions. If you’re married, you probably already know that sometimes your husband doesn’t tell you the truth. They might lie to you about something small or big, depending …

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